13th July in Portsmouth
It will be a day of workshops and panels, open to all members (new and older).

On 13th July in Portsmouth the South East Green Party is holding a full of day training and networking to review our May 2019 successes and look forward to 2020.
South East Greens quadrupled their numbers of Councillors in May 2019 from 18 to 81. Now is the time to get involved and see how we can keep these seats, make change happen and win many more seats we can win in 2020 and beyond. We know that Green Councillors make a difference, declaring climate emergencies, tackling homelessness and standing up for local residents. Join us to find out what difference you can make locally and how you can get Greens elected near you.
Join us in Portsmouth for a day of workshops from your Field Organiser and winning campaign teams on a selection of things, including: How to pick a target ward, What to do now you’re an elected Councillor and How to build your team. We will also be celebrating the work of Keith Taylor as he stands down as our MEP for the South East and welcoming in our new MEP.
Key note speeches from Keith Taylor – Green MEP 2010-19 and Alex Phillips, Green MEP 2019-present
Panel discussion ‘What can we learn from 2019 local elections?’. Panelists include representatives from winning campaigns in Aylesbury Vale, Brighton, Tonbridge & Malling and Lewes
A celebration of Green Success in 2019
Workshops include:
- How to pick a target ward
- What to do now you’re an elected Councillor
- How to build your team
- Campaigning: How to fight oil extraction in the South East?
This event is open to all Green Party members in the South East of England, whether you’ve never been to a local party meeting before or you’ve run many election campaigns.
For those coming from afar there will be a social in the evening, recommended accommodation and Portsmouth Green Party will be holding an action day in their target ward on 14th July that they’d love for you to come along to too!
This is a ticketed event. Ticket includes Lunch and Tea’s and Coffee’s, as well as go towards to the room hire. If you might struggle to pay for a ticket, get in contact at annie.pickering@greenparty.org.uk and we may be able to support you.
If you have any access requirements, please get in contact at annie.pickering@greenparty.org.uk
See who else is coming, check out the Facebook event.
Bucklands Community Centre is a 15 minute bus ride from Portsmouth and Southsea Station
Thank you. With your incredible support over such a short campaign we were able to keep our Green MEP in the South East and you elected me to continue in the footsteps of Keith Taylor.Thanks to the incredible work that you and your local party is doing, we achieved the best ever result that the South East has seen in EU Elections and nationally we elected 7 Green MEPs (4 more than before) – this really is a #GreenWave – join us in Portsmouth to celebrate.We couldn’t have done this campaign without you. Thank you to everyone who delivered literature, put up a poster, donated, held an event, joined the Stop Brexit bus and of course, everyone who voted.

Caroline Lucas, Tom, Alex Phillips and Rob after the result!
UK politics is more broken than ever before, but as your new MEP I will do everything I can to stop Brexit, put an end to austerity and fight climate change. Riding off the back of our incredible local elections earlier this month, I am so proud and honoured to be part of a Party that really is changing politics for good. We really are in new territory now with our support base broadening beyond belief. That’s down to your work on the ground because people know that elected Greens make a huge difference.
To say thank you, and to understand how we can keep this #GreenWave rolling strong, Join me on 13th July in Portsmouth at the South East Regional Gathering. It will be a day of workshops and panels, open to all members (new and older) from myself, Keith Taylor and local election campaign teams to share our successes and look forward to the next elections. Thank you once again for making 2019 a truly historic year for the Green party, can you help us cover the costs of this historic year? We didn’t budget for this EU campaign so any amount you can give is a huge support.
Dont’ forget to get your tickets and see you in Portsmouth!
Alex Phillips – Green MEP for the South East
P.S Can you chip in to cover the costs of the EU election? It was worth every penny, but cost a lot of pennies…