Our best ever election result is even better than it looks

Local success for the New Forest Green’s I woke up this morning to bittersweet news in the General Election. The Conservatives may have regained a majority in Parliament, but the Green Party also achieved one of it’s best results, including here in the New Forest. Together with a groundswell of enthusiasm from local members and … Read more

A Stay At Home Mum’s P.O.V.

The Green Party General Election manifesto (www.greenparty.org.uk/we-stand-for/2015-manifesto.html) was released today (14th April 2015) and it is a breath of fresh air compared to the LAB-CON-DEM announcements that are being rolled out this week. Today the Conservative Party announced they would increase free childcare to 30 hours a week (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/conservative/11534988/With-a-smart-promise-of-free-childcare-the-Tories-have-finally-stopped-kowtowing-to-the-stay-at-home-mothers-brigade.html?hc_location=ufi) and Labour have promised 25. Mums … Read more

NFGP Newsletter

  Hello everyone! First of all a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who pledged a donation on our Crowdfunder page. We have surpassed our target! It’s a massive achievement and thanks to all of the people who contributed. The Green Party prides itself on its refusal to accept donors from big businesses, and is very much dependent … Read more

Conserving Energy at Home

Last Thursday (19/03/2015) saw our very successful public meeting on climate change in Brockenhurst.  We had Adam Ramsay from Open Democracy who was an excellent speaker, as was Richard Barnett from New Forest Transition, Rose Glendinning from Organic Bliss and local member Dan Fish. Over 70 people attended which was fantastic. It was a really interesting event … Read more

Will voting Green help the Conservatives?

This idea that voting Green will somehow lead to the Conservatives winning the election seems incorrect to me for these reasons: 1. It is highly unlikely that the Tory vote will increase. My evidence for this is the people I have talked to as an activist on People’s Assembly and Unite Community street stalls and … Read more

How will climate change affect the New Forest?

The United Nations has warned that our window of opportunity to tackle climate change and keep the global temperature rise below 2°C by 2100 is swiftly diminishing. In The Emission Gap Report 2013, compiled by 44 scientific groups in 17 countries, it warned that significant emission reductions are required by 2020 but as global emissions continue … Read more

The Green Party ‘Positive Vs Negative’ Campaigns

According to many reputable websites including ‘Voteforpolicies’ the Green Party has the most popular viewpoints within the political spectrum. Why do people like the Green Party? Well, people like the Green Party because they encourage multi-culturalism and socialism, ah, here’s where we encounter the problem, yes people like the multi-cultural encouragement and socialist ideals of … Read more