More than just a protest vote: why the Green Party’s message of hope is the only real choice come May 7th

I fall most easily into the category of the disaffected youth, partly because of my age, but mostly because of the perspective I have on the struggle we have all faced since the financial crisis seven years ago. Since then, we’ve heard time and time again about the successive government’s disastrous role in all this, … Read more

Nuclear Disarmament

“ Where is the money to come from to build all these homes that are so badly needed ?   Well, for starters there is £100 billion being wasted on nuclear weapon production and delivery. Let us not shy away from the issues of Trident and Nuclear Disarmament.  These are obscene unusable weapons that we don’t … Read more

How will climate change affect the New Forest?

The United Nations has warned that our window of opportunity to tackle climate change and keep the global temperature rise below 2°C by 2100 is swiftly diminishing. In The Emission Gap Report 2013, compiled by 44 scientific groups in 17 countries, it warned that significant emission reductions are required by 2020 but as global emissions continue … Read more

The Green Party ‘Positive Vs Negative’ Campaigns

According to many reputable websites including ‘Voteforpolicies’ the Green Party has the most popular viewpoints within the political spectrum. Why do people like the Green Party? Well, people like the Green Party because they encourage multi-culturalism and socialism, ah, here’s where we encounter the problem, yes people like the multi-cultural encouragement and socialist ideals of … Read more