Here is a link to our New Forest Green Party Crowd Funding campaign
Project aim
We are raising money to enable a Green Party candidate to stand for every seat in the New Forest in 2015.
About the project
In 2015 we want to stand as many candidates as possible in the New Forest so that anyone who wants to vote Green, can vote Green.
We have two wonderful general election candidates in Sally May (New Forest East) and Janet Richards (New Forest West). We also have a growing list of local candidates for parish and district councils across the New Forest.
In the past 8 months, our local membership has more than doubled as support for the Green Party has surged nationally.
2015 is going to be a big year for us and we need to build on the enthusiasm and energy of the local community by getting real results in the general and local elections, where we aim to stand candidates for every seat. But if we are to achieve this, we need your help.
We don’t get any of our funding from big businesses and here in the New Forest, we are entirely funded by contributions from real people like you, who want to live in a cleaner, fairer Britain. Every penny we raise will help to get Green candidates elected in the New Forest by contributing to the costs of standing and promoting our candidates.
We have a chance to make a real impact in 2015 and your support will make a real difference.